What is an acronym or abbreviation for YPH ? YPH Stands For : Young Professionals in Healthcare Category : Others
A to Z list of acronyms & abbreviations
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YPH ? YPH Stands For : Young Professionals in Healthcare Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YPF ? YPF Stands For : Y Personal Fitness | Yacimientos PetrolÌ?feros Fiscales | Yamma Pit Fighting | Young Pianist Foundation | Young Playwrights Festival Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YOY ? YOY Stands For : Year Over Year | yellow orange yellow | Yeshivat Ohr Yerushalayim | Yield on YearåÊ | You Own You Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YOV ? YOV Stands For : Young Opera Venture Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YOUTUCO ? YOUTUCO Stands For : you Tucos Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YOUPOMO ? YOUPOMO Stands For : YOUpromo Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YOTA ? YOTA Stands For : YMCA of the Triangle Area | Youngsters On The Air | Youth Opportunity Trust Asia Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YORO ? YORO Stands For : You Onry Rive Once Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YOP ? YOP Stands For : Year of Planning | Yearly Operational Plan | Yersinia outer proteins | Young Ophthalmologists Programme | Youth Opportunites Programme | Youth Opportunities Program | Youth Opportunity Program Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YOOBOO ? YOOBOO Stands For : yoo boo Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YOMP ? YOMP Stands For : yomping | Your Own Marching Pace Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YOKADI ? YOKADI Stands For : Yok Ad€± Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YOGURT ? YOGURT Stands For : Yoghurt Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YNO ? YNO Stands For : y ‰ÛÒ No | Young and Off Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YNJ ? YNJ Stands For : Yahweh Nation JuuNo | Your Next Job Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YNF ? YNF Stands For : Yacimientos Naturalmente Fracturados | Young n Fressh | Young National Front | Yuutsu no Fansub Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YNC ? YNC Stands For : Young Naturalists Club | Young Naturalists Club | Young News Channel Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YMWC ? YMWC Stands For : Your Movement Wellness Center Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YMV ? YMV Stands For : Yam mosaic virus | Yeahronimo Media Ventures | Yellow Mosaic Virus | Young Muslim Voices Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YMU ? YMU Stands For : Yankton Minimum Unit | Young Moms Uncensored | Young Mothers United | Youth Moving Up Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YMTF ? YMTF Stands For : Youth Mentoring Task Force Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YMTA ? YMTA Stands For : Yale Mock Trial Association | Youth Musical Theatre Association | Yukon Mine Training Association Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YMOYL ? YMOYL Stands For : Your Money or Your | Your Money or Your Life Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YMMF ? YMMF Stands For : Yamaguchi Mini Maker Faire | Yamaha Matic Music Fest | Yarrawonga Mulwala Multisport Festival | Young Material Modellers Forum Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YML ? YML Stands For : Why a Markup Language | Yahoo Markup Language Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YMHA ? YMHA Stands For : Yolo Mutual Housing Association | Young Mens Hebrew Association | Youngstown Metropolitan Housing Authority Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YMD ? YMD Stands For : Yazoo Mississippi Delta | Year Month Day | Young Mission Dolores | Young Muslim Digest | YOUTH MEDITERRANEAN DIALOGUE | Youth Movement for Democracy Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YMCMB ? YMCMB Stands For : Young Money Cash Money Billionaire | Young Money Cash Money Billionaires | Young Money Cash Money Business Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YLY ? YLY Stands For : York Langholm York Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YLW ? YLW Stands For : Yale Law Women | Yen Lo Wang | Your Loving WifeåÊ Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YLT ? YLT Stands For : York Little Theatre | You Like That | Young Lady Transmitting | Young Learners and Teenagers | Young Life and Times | Youngs Literal Translation | Your Local Telecom | Youth Leader Training | Youth League Tennis Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YLS ? YLS Stands For : Young Lawyers Section | Young Leaders Society | Young Leadership Series | Your Little Sister | Youth Lacrosse System | Youth Leadership School | Youth Leadership Summit | Yuri Lavrynenko Soccer Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YLP ? YLP Stands For : Year Long Project | Yosemite Leadership Program | Young Leaders Programme | Young Leaders Program | Young Leadership Program | Young Legal Professionals | Youth Leadership Program | Youth Leadership Project Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YLLS ? YLLS Stands For : You Look Like Shit | Young Lawyers and Law Students Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YLA ? YLA Stands For : Young Latino Americans | Young Latino Artists | Young Leaders Academy | Youth Legislative Assembly Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YKY ? YKY Stands For : Yapi Kredi Yatirim | Yap€± Kredi Yat€±r€±m Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YKNM ? YKNM Stands For : Yayasan Kebajikan Negara Malaysia Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YKKK ? YKKK Stands For : young kool kult klans | •??•?Ç•?Ç•?Ç Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YKB ? YKB Stands For : Yap€± Kredi | Yapi Kredi | YAPI KRED€¡ | Yapi Kredi | YAPI KRED€¡ | Yayasan Komunikasi Bersama | Yayasan Kusuma Buana | Yellow Keys Black | Yoni ki Baat Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YJE ? YJE Stands For : Yale Jazz Ensemble | York Jazz Ensemble Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YIU ? YIU Stands For : Yes I Understand | Yoga in Unternehmen Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YIHC ? YIHC Stands For : Yakama Indian Health Center | Yakama Indian Health Clinic | York Ice Hockey Club Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YIEYIE ? YIEYIE Stands For : yie yie yie | yie yie yie yie | Yie Yies | Yie Yies Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YIELD ? YIELD Stands For : yielding Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YHR ? YHR Stands For : Yakima Herald Republic | Yoked Hormone Receptor | York House Recordings | Youth for Human Rights Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YHP ? YHP Stands For : Yackandandah Holiday Park | Young Health Program | Young Health Programme | Your Hidden Potential | Youth Housing Project Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YHO ? YHO Stands For : Yahoo Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YHM ? YHM Stands For : Yankee Hill Machine | Your Homebased Mom Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YHG ? YHG Stands For : Yahav Hamias Group | Yarlington Housing Group Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YHD ? YHD Stands For : Yellow Head Disease | Your Home Direct Category : Others