What is an acronym or abbreviation for ZEMFIRA ? ZEMFIRA Stands For : ?Ñ?µ??„ã?ü„Û?¡ Category : Others
A to Z list of acronyms & abbreviations
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ZEMFIRA ? ZEMFIRA Stands For : ?Ñ?µ??„ã?ü„Û?¡ Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ZCO ? ZCO Stands For : ZCS Connector for Outlook Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ZCG ? ZCG Stands For : Zeg9s craft guide | Zinck Computer Group | Zug Consulting Group Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ZCF ? ZCF Stands For : Core Functions | Zambia Cooperative Federation | Zambian Childrens Fund | Zimbabwe Cycling Federation Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ZB ? ZB Stands For : Zach Brooks | Zbigniew Brzezinski | Zborowski Bruchem | Zillow Bootstrap | ZettaByte Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ZAS ? ZAS Stands For : Zambia African Safari | Zarkani Airline System | Zen Automotive Suppliers | Zentrale Anzeigen Statistik | Zymosan Activated Serum Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ZAOGA ? ZAOGA Stands For : Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa | Zimbabwe Assemblies of God in Africa Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ZAMBIA ? ZAMBIA Stands For : Zambian Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ZAHNARZT ? ZAHNARZT Stands For : Zahnarzte Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ZAG ? ZAG Stands For : zagging | Zn Alpha2 Glycoprotein Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ZADAC ? ZADAC Stands For : zadaj€É | ZADAWAC | zadaâ Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ZABOCA ? ZABOCA Stands For : za boca Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YYV ? YYV Stands For : YOSEMITE AT YOSEMITE VALLEY Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YYT ? YYT Stands For : Ying Yang TwinsåÊ | Yum Yum Thai Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YYP ? YYP Stands For : Yale Younger Poets | YMCA Young Professionals | Youth Yellow Pages Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YYC ? YYC Stands For : Yaoi and Yuri Convention | York Youth Connection Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YYB ? YYB Stands For : Ying Yang Bao Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YWR ? YWR Stands For : Young Woman Representative | Youth Way Records Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YWP ? YWP Stands For : Yorkshire Wildlife Park | Young Water Professionals | Young Womens Program | Young Writers Project | Youth Workforce Program Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YWO ? YWO Stands For : Yorkshire Wind Orchestra | Young Writers Online | Youth Welfare Organisation Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YWNA ? YWNA Stands For : •??•?á•?¨•?Á Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YWMT ? YWMT Stands For : Youth Work Management Team Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YWG ? YWG Stands For : Yamaha Wood Graphite | Youth Working GroupåÊ Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YVR ? YVR Stands For : Your Voice Reminder Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YVM ? YVM Stands For : Yeto Vellipoyindhi Manasu | Yeto Vellipoyindi Manasu | Young Voices of Melbourne | Your Voice Matters | Youth Voice Magazine Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YUY ? YUY Stands For : Youth Understanding Youth Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YUVA ? YUVA Stands For : Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action | Youth Unite for Voluntary Ac | Youth Unite for Voluntary Action | Youth United in Visionary Action | Youth Uniting for Volunteer Action Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YUS ? YUS Stands For : Yupna Urawa and Som Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YUC ? YUC Stands For : Yanbu University College | Youth Ultimate Cincinnati | Yucatan Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YUA ? YUA Stands For : Yakima Urology Associates | Young Urban Achievers Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YTML ? YTML Stands For : YEN€¡MAHALLE T€¡CARET MESLEK L€¡SES€¡ | Yunus Textile Mills Limited Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YTE ? YTE Stands For : Year of Teacher Education | Your Total Entertainment | Youth Tap Ensemble Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YTBS ? YTBS Stands For : YÌ?k Tevzi Bilgi Sistemi Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YSY ? YSY Stands For : Yachtclub Seaport Ymuiden Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YSSP ? YSSP Stands For : Yoshii Software Solution Philippines | Young Scientists Summer Program | Young Student Summer Program | Young Students Summer Program Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YSS ? YSS Stands For : Yale Shared Services | Yaron Shimoni Shacham | Yayasan Strategik Social | Year of the Solar System | Yogoda Satsanga Society | York Street Spa | Yorkshire Subterranean Society | Young Spectroscopist SymposiumåÊ | Young Statisticians Section | Youth and Shelter Services…
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YSO ? YSO Stands For : Yakima Symphony Orchestra | Yellow Springs Ohio | Young Stellar Object | young stellar objects | your so old | youth service organisation | Youth Soccer Organization | Youth Symphony Orchestra | Ypsilanti Symphony Orchestra Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YSN ? YSN Stands For : Special Needs | Young Scholars Network | Young Surveyors Network | Your Success Now | Youth Services Network | Youth Sports Network Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YSKE ? YSKE Stands For : YSK•?É Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YSFS ? YSFS Stands For : •?ª•?Ò•? •?Ò Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YRY ? YRY Stands For : Yang Richard Yang | You raskal You | You raskal Yous Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YRP ? YRP Stands For : Yavapai Reentry Project | years return period | Yokosuka Research Park | Young Rail Professionals | Young Researchers Program | Young Rising Phenom | Your Reading Passport | Youth Research Program | Yuna Rikku Paine Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YRN ? YRN Stands For : Yarn Round Needle | Yorkshire Radio Network | Young Rich Niggas | Youth Regional Network Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YPY ? YPY Stands For : Young Professionals In Yachting | Youth Protecting Youth Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YPW ? YPW Stands For : Young Peoples Workshop | Young Performers Workshop | Young Powerful Woman | Young Professionals of Wichita Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YPU ? YPU Stands For : Yorkshire Photographic Union | Young Persons Unit | Young Politicians Union Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YPRT ? YPRT Stands For : Youth Protection Round Table Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YPR ? YPR Stands For : Yards Per Rush | Yaw Pitch and Roll | Yaw Pitch Raw | Yayasan Pok Rafeah | Yayasan Pondok Rakyat | Yield per Recruit | young people | Young People in Recovery | Young People Revolution Category : Others
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YPP ? YPP Stands For : Puzzle Pirates | Yank Pull and Pay | Yards Per Pass | Yards Per Point | Yearly Progress Pro | Yohoho Puzzle Pirates | Young Parents Program | Young People for Parks | Young Peoples Philharmonic | Young Peoples Project | Young…
What is an acronym or abbreviation for YPO ? YPO Stands For : Young Presidents Organization | Young Professionals of Oxford | Young Professionals Organization | Youth Philharmonic Orchestra Category : Others