What is an acronym or abbreviation for F ?
F Stands For : Fashion | Fine | Fabulous | Fork | Free range | Frozen | Flyingmoose | Foolish | Fake | Friendly | February | Fauntleroy | Frances | Francis | Frank | Frederick | Fredo | Frenchy | Focal | Focus | F | Fail | Failed | Fall | Fallback | Fame | Fana | Fantastic | Farenheit | Farmer | Farmerthe | Fashionable | Fashionablejuly | Fathetic | Faulty | Fauna | Fax | Fear | Fearleatherpenguin | Feature | Features | feces | Feckless | Fed | Feel | Feeling | Femme | Fest | ficial | Fife | File | Filed | Filename | Filer | Filmed | Financial | Finesse | Finished | FINRA | Fitzgerald | Fjihad | Flailing | Flashing | Flattened | Flatulance | Flip | Fliptim | Flora | Florida | Folie | Fonda | Fondafebruary | Font | Fool | For | Force | Foreign | Forever | Forget | Formaini | Formatting | Forums | Fox | Fraction | Fragrance | Fragrant | Frame | Frames | Fraud | Fredoapparently | Freedom | Freedom‰Û | French | Frequent | Fresh | Frictional | Friend | Friendwww | Friggin | Frigid | Frog | From | fructose | Frustrationwww | FSA | Fsck | Fuck | Fun | Function | Funnyshock | Furious | Furniture | Future | The Frogs | To Fvwm | Farad | Femto (10^15) | First | Frequency
Category : Others