What is an acronym or abbreviation for OOM ? OOM Stands For : Office of Occupational Medicine Category : Government
A to Z list of acronyms & abbreviations
What is an acronym or abbreviation for OOM ? OOM Stands For : Office of Occupational Medicine Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ORDR ? ORDR Stands For : Office of Rare Diesease Research Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for OUF ? OUF Stands For : Office of Unclaimed Funds Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for PCAST ? PCAST Stands For : Presidents Council of Advisers on Science and Technology Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for PHARE ? PHARE Stands For : Poland Hungary Aid For Restructuring The Economy | Poland and Hungary Aid For Restructuring of Economies Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for PNE ? PNE Stands For : Petition Number Extension Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for PRD-5 ? PRD-5 Stands For : Presidential Review Directive – 5 Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for PWBA ? PWBA Stands For : Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for QIW ? QIW Stands For : Qualified Injured Worker Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for RBW ? RBW Stands For : Russia Business Watch Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for RGE ? RGE Stands For : Equatorial Guinean Resistance Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for RPCV ? RPCV Stands For : Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for CHMP ? CHMP Stands For : Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for CMCS ? CMCS Stands For : Case Management Control System | Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for CORES ? CORES Stands For : COmmission REgistration System Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for CSCO ? CSCO Stands For : Compliance Services Collection Operations Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for DALTCP ? DALTCP Stands For : Office of Disability Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for DDFAS-HQ/F ? DDFAS-HQ/F Stands For : Deputy Director for Finance Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for DMAIK ? DMAIK Stands For : Define Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for DNSC ? DNSC Stands For : Defense National Stockpile Center Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for DVBD ? DVBD Stands For : Divison of Vector-Bourne Disease Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for EDGAR ? EDGAR Stands For : Electronic Data Gathering Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for EMPG ? EMPG Stands For : Emergency Management Performance Grant Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ESCAP ? ESCAP Stands For : Executive Steering Committee for ACE Policy Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for FAHA ? FAHA Stands For : Federal-Aid Highway Act Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for FDA ESG ? FDA ESG Stands For : FDA Electronic Submissions Gateway Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for FFEP ? FFEP Stands For : Federal Family Education Program Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for FIMW ? FIMW Stands For : Federal Interagency Mitigation Workgroup Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for FPGE ? FPGE Stands For : Federal Plan for Gender Equality Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for FRBM ? FRBM Stands For : Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for FTAA ? FTAA Stands For : Free Trade Area of America Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for GADS ? GADS Stands For : Generating Availability Data System Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for GICS ? GICS Stands For : Grants Information and Control System Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for GOL ? GOL Stands For : Government On Line Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for GWY ? GWY Stands For : George W Young Mail Facility Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for HHH ? HHH Stands For : Hubert Horatio Humphrey Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for HNAG ? HNAG Stands For : Household Non-AGriculture Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for HSIN ? HSIN Stands For : Homeland Security Information Network Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for IEI ? IEI Stands For : Information Economy Initiative Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for INTERMACS ? INTERMACS Stands For : Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for IY ? IY Stands For : International Year Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for JVC ? JVC Stands For : Just Very Consistent Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for LBPAR ? LBPAR Stands For : lead-based Paint Activities Regulation Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for LMNO ? LMNO Stands For : Leave My Name Off Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for LUQ ? LUQ Stands For : LUQuillo Experimental Forest Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for MCHB ? MCHB Stands For : Maternal and Child Health Bureau Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for MICRA ? MICRA Stands For : Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for MQ ? MQ Stands For : Mailing Quantity Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for N-SSATS ? N-SSATS Stands For : National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services Category : Government
What is an acronym or abbreviation for NBCOF ? NBCOF Stands For : North Blowhorn Creek Oil Field Category : Government