What is an acronym or abbreviation for FLAS ? FLAS stands for Foreign Liabilities and Assets Survey Category : Banking
A to Z list of acronyms & abbreviations
What is an acronym or abbreviation for FLAS ? FLAS stands for Foreign Liabilities and Assets Survey Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for GPD ? GPD stands for Gross Primary Deficit Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for IFC ? IFC stands for International Finance Corporation Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ISO ? ISO stands for International Standards Organization Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for MA ? MA stands for Moving Average Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for NBFC ? NBFC stands for Non Banking Financial Companies Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for NRG ? NRG stands for Non-Resident Government Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for PDAI ? PDAI stands for Primary Dealers Association of India Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for RE ? RE stands for Revenue Expenditure Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for RTP ? RTP stands for Reserve Tranche Position Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for SGSY ? SGSY stands for Swamajayanthi Gram Swarrojgar Yojana Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for TBs ? TBs stands for Treasury Bills Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ADR ? ADR stands for American Depository Receipt Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for CAD ? CAD stands for Capital Account Deficit Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for CRAR ? CRAR stands for Capital to Risk Weighted Asset Ratio Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for DGBA ? DGBA stands for Department of Government and Bank Accounts Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for EFR ? EFR stands for Exchange Fluctuation Reserve Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for FOF ? FOF stands for Flow Of Funds Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for G-Sec ? G-Sec stands for Government Securities Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for IFCI ? IFCI stands for Industrial Finance Corporation of India Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ITRS ? ITRS stands for International Transaction Reporting System Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for MCA ? MCA stands for Ministry of Company Affairs Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for NEC ? NEC stands for Not Elsewhere Classified Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for NRI ? NRI stands for Non-Resident Indian Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for PDO ? PDO stands for Public Debt Office Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for REC ? REC stands for Rural Electrification Corporation Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for RUF ? RUF stands for Revolving Underwriting Facility Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for SHGs ? SHGs stands for Self-Help Groups Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for TC ? TC stands for Temporary Change Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AFS ? AFS stands for Available For Sale Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for CAG ? CAG stands for Controller and Auditor General of India Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for CRR ? CRR stands for Cash Reserve Ratio Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for DGCI&S ? DGCI&S stands for Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for EPF ? EPF stands for Employees Provident Fund Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for FPI ? FPI stands for Foreign Portfolio Investment Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for HDFC ? HDFC stands for Housing Development Finance Corporation Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for IFR ? IFR stands for Investment Fluctuation Reserve Account Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for IWGEDS ? IWGEDS stands for International Working Group on External Debt Statistics Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for MIGA ? MIGA stands for Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for NEER ? NEER stands for Nominal Effective Exchange Rate Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for NSC ? NSC stands for National Statistical Commission Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for PDO-NDS ? PDO-NDS stands for Public Debt Office-cum-Negotiated Dealing System Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for BEER ? BEER stands for Real Effective Exchange Rate Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for RWA ? RWA stands for Risk Weighted Asset Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for SIDBI ? SIDBI stands for Small Industries Development Bank of India Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for TT ? TT stands for Telegraphic Transfer Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AGM ? AGM stands for Annual General Meeting Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for CBS ? CBS stands for Consolidated Banking Statistics Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for CSIR ? CSIR stands for Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Category : Banking
What is an acronym or abbreviation for DI ? DI stands for Direct Investment Category : Banking