What is an acronym or abbreviation for AMM ? AMM Stands For Acoustic Mismatch Model| Ammeter Category : Academics
A to Z list of acronyms & abbreviations
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AMM ? AMM Stands For Acoustic Mismatch Model| Ammeter Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AMDAR ? AMDAR Stands For Automatic Meteorological Data and Reporting Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for Am J Vet Res ? Am J Vet Res Stands For American Journal of Veterinary Research Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ALSP ? ALSP Stands For Atmosphere and Land Surface Processes Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ALIVE ? ALIVE Stands For Aspiration Leadership Innovation Vision And Excellence Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ALD ? ALD Stands For Antenna Linkage Device| Assistive Listening Device| Atomic Layer Deposition Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AKD ? AKD Stands For Altered Kinetic Distance Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AITS ? AITS Stands For Academic And Instructional Technology Support| Academic Information Technology Services| Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AIRMON ? AIRMON Stands For Atmospheric Integrated Research Monitoring Network Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AIL ? AIL Stands For Application Interface Language Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AIDA ? AIDA Stands For Applications of Integrated Driver Assistance Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AIAD ? AIAD Stands For Acronyms Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AHC ? AHC Stands For American Heritage Center| IEEE Annals of the History of Computing Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AGRA ? AGRA Stands For Atlantic and Gulf Reef Assessment Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AGE ? AGE Stands For Advected Grid Explicit| Advanced Glycosylated End products| Aggressive Geriatric Elder Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AFTAD ? AFTAD Stands For Analysis-Forecast Transport and Diffusion Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AFPC ? AFPC Stands For Advanced Financial Planning Certificate| Administrative Faculty Personnel Committee Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AFH ? AFH Stands For Advanced Frequency Hopping Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AFCI ? AFCI Stands For Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AESSYM ? AESSYM Stands For Avionics in Conceptual System Planning IEEE/AESS Dayton Chapter Symposium Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AEPU ? AEPU Stands For Association des Enseignants de Psychologie Universitaires Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AEELS ? AEELS Stands For Association of English Education and Literature Students| Automatic Electronic Emitter Locating System Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AE ? AE Stands For American Edition| Archival Edition| Almost Everywhere| Array Element| Aakash Explorer| Advanced Estimate| Archtop Enclosure| Acetonitrile Eluate| Acid Equivalent| Atomic Emission| Auger Electron| Academic Enrichment| Agricultural Engineering| American English| Adaptive Equalizer| Alkaline Earth Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ADTM ? ADTM Stands For Alternate Density Transmission Medium| Arc De Triumphe Model Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ADP ? ADP Stands For Approved Degree Plan| Automatic Data Processing Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ADISC ? ADISC Stands For Animal Data Information Systems Committee Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ADF ? ADF Stands For Amplitude-Dependent Function| Augmented Dickey-Fuller| Administrators Discretionary Fund| Advanced Development Facility| Average Daily Flow| Amplitude-Dependent Friction| Acid Detergent Fiber| Acid Detergent Fibre| Amsterdam Density Functional Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ADATS ? ADATS Stands For Analog Delayed Annihilation Time Spectra Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ACVS ? ACVS Stands For American College of Veterinary Surgery Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ACTT ? ACTT Stands For Academic Contributors for Today and Tomorrow| Advanced Center for Technology Training Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ACS-YCC ? ACS-YCC Stands For American Chemical Society Younger Chemists Committee Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ACRS ? ACRS Stands For American Center Reference Service| Astrographic Catalog Reference Stars Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AMLCD ? AMLCD Stands For International Workshop on Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Displays| Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Diode Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AMD ? AMD Stands For Absolute Maximum Discrepancy| Area Mass Density| Analysis| Advanced Micro Devices company| Amplitude Modification Device| Acid Mine Drainage Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for Am J Public Health Nations ? Am J Public Health Nations Stands For HealthAmerican Journal of Public Health and the Nations Health Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ALSF ? ALSF Stands For Australian Liberal Students Federation| Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ALIS ? ALIS Stands For Aberdeenshire Libraries And Information Service| Automated Library Integrated System| Airborne Laser Isotope Spectrometer Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for ALCOVE ? ALCOVE Stands For Accessible Lab Created To Optimize Vocation And Education Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AKB ? AKB Stands For Automatic Kathode Biasing Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AITR ? AITR Stands For Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Technical Report Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AIRG ? AIRG Stands For Artificial Intelligence Research Group Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AIIS ? AIIS Stands For Albanian Institute for International Studies| American Institute of Indian Studies Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AID ? AID Stands For Agency for International Development| Also Includes Drugs Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AIAA ? AIAA Stands For American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AHB ? AHB Stands For Advanced High-performance Bus Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AGPS ? AGPS Stands For Assisted Global Positioning System Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AGDO ? AGDO Stands For Automatic Gate Door Opener Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AFTA ? AFTA Stands For American Family Therapy Academy| Apatite Fission Track Analysis Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AFP^3 ? AFP^3 Stands For Adminstrative Faculty Personnel Policies and Procedures Category : Academics
What is an acronym or abbreviation for AFGWC ? AFGWC Stands For Air Force Global Weather Central| Air Force Global Weather Central| Air Force Global Weather Central Category : Academics